Direct Launch (via URL)

The "smart" authoring tools for Discover and Present can be launched DIRECTLY from a hosting web page using a specific URL. Direct Launch offers a simplified technique for chrome-less content creation for certain users in the context of the hosting app.

Direct Launch should not be confused with "Direct Load" via URL which instead opens up preexisting content using URLs.

Direct Launch URL's

To trigger the direct launch, developer's need to place links or buttons on the host page to trigger the apps.

Smart Discover

To trigger the Smart Discover direct launch, developers need to call the following URL, switching out "" with the URL of their Pyramid instance.



Smart Present

To trigger the Smart Present direct launch, developers need to call the following URL, switching out "" with the URL of their Pyramid instance.



Other Considerations

Client Side Security

Care should be taken with the client side security settings related to things like CORS, iframe host-ability, and XSS.

Model Selection

If the "use-default-model" switch is added, the default model is auto selected for the user (the first model in the user's favorites). If not, the user will be prompted to pick a specific data model for the Discover / Present first.


When launched, both direct launch entry points will prompt the user to authenticate first. Once done, the authentication will not prompt again unless the authentication cookies have expired or are deleted. Developers can also avoid the authentication prompt by programmatically logging a user into the system using APIs.